Sunday, January 15, 2012

A Doggy Day

Today, I woke up from my warm, soft comfortable bed because of terrible howls. I yawn and go back to sleep: this is a typical day in my family.
When I wake up hours later, I am greeted by again the terrible sheet of whiteness. I am always in awe at the weird absurdity of my masters' yard; sometimes it is green,other times brown, and now, it is white.

I don't really care, I don't go walk in the enveloping white-ness very often, and though I know it is cold, I also know that I never, (hopefully) be asked to go in it. It also makes me more thankful for my warm, soft bed than ever before, because I never before had anything as cold before to compare it to.

My new toy has worked wonders in my life. Before the toy came, I sat all day in the sun when I was not eating, but now I get plenty of exercise racing around the house trying to get someone to play with me.

Today, my best friend in the whole wide world, (well actually I have tons of best friends, but since she gave me treats today she is the best friend I have now), Eleanor, came and brightened up my day.

She tossed me treats!

And she shook my hand.

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