Saturday, March 31, 2012


Hello Friends,
Right now, life is a complete and utter confusion. First, my house fills up with huge cardboard boxes... apparently we're going to "move" whatever that means . Next, my masters leave on a trip so I go to a wonderful place called "Paws in Paradise".  I do love "Paws in Paradise", but I don't see why they just leave me there...
Well, then I get a new crate. It was so uncomfortable to sleep in a new crate at first, but then I started realizing how nice it was to have my own dark and  spacious "den". I tried to convince my masters that getting me a new crate was unnecessary, but they got it anyways, for the big move. I still do not understand why all these odd things are happening.
Most Sincerely,
The Dignified Barnabas

Friday, March 30, 2012

Happy Birthday Mother

Hello! I have great news! Today is my mother's birthday! And I would like to dedicate this post to her, (although I'm sure she wouldn't do the same for me.) Actually,  March 29 was her birthday, but anyway, it was her birthday.

I would be kind of happy if it was my birthday, because it is the day before my family comes home from somewhere, but I do like it here at Paws in Paradise.

I hope Mother has a happy birthday and sends food to me.

Happy birthday, Mother!

p.s Know what my favorite cake is? It's an icy paws cake with peanut butter icing and treats on top!

(Written by Ella, age 8)

Thursday, March 29, 2012

My Delightful Misery

For the past week, I spent it at a kennel called "Paws In Paradise." I'm the real player at that place. Some OK players are Sherman and Barley. But I'm the one who is the most independent,tough little puggle. At least that's the good part about this place. I really miss my really nice family. Everyone gives me treats. They call me fat so they don't feed me as much anymore. But I'm probably the skinniest dog in the universe. They give me the most treats when I I sing with my beautiful voice.The kennel workers there praise me. They walk me, they feed me and they play with me. But they don't give me treats. Thats what I do NOT like about that place. Imagine me as a doggy that has never gotten a treat before. I would NOT ever be happy again. Well that is what my week has been like. See you later!!!